Year 11 GCSE Exam Support and Information


Students can collect their GCSE results between 9.30 am and 10.30 am on Thursday 22nd August 2024.

Senior members of staff will be available for students to discuss their results up until 3.00 pm.

School will open on 3rd September 2024

Awarding Body Post-Result Services - Enquiries about Results

Post-Result Services are offered by examination boards. If a student wishes to apply for a service all enquiries to the exam boards can only be made through the school.  Board fees are detailed below and on the Post Results Student Consent form. Students must be aware that where a review of marking occurs, the grade can go down as well as up and if the grade returned is lower, this will be their final mark.

Service 1: Clerical re-check

This service will include the following checks:

  • that all parts of the script have been marked;
  • the totalling of marks;
  • the recording of marks.

The outcome of the clerical re-check will be reported along with a statement of the total marks awarded for each unit, or component, included in the enquiry.

Service 2: Review of Marking

This is a post-result review of the original marking to ensure that the agreed mark scheme has been applied correctly. It is not a re-marking of the candidate’s script.

This service will include:

  • the clerical re-checks detailed in Service 1;
  • a review of marking as described above.

To request a service:

  • Complete and sign the Post-Results Candidate Consent Form, which can be found on this website. Return the completed form to the Exams Officer, by the deadline, with either a cheque made payable to Chailey School or in cash. You must sign confirming that you understand that your grade may go down after the review. The fee will be returned to you if the review of marking results in an amended grade. 
  • Completed forms and payment must reach the Exams Office by the following dates:
  • Request for (ATS) Access to a script (to review a script prior to deciding whether or not to submit a clerical re-check or review) no later than Friday 6th September.
  • Request for Clerical re-check or Review of Marking no later than Monday 16th September 2023.

 No requests will be accepted after these dates.

ATS Access to Scripts

To request an exam script please complete and sign the Post-Results Candidates Consent Form and return it to the Exams Office with a cheque or cash no later than Monday 16th September.

Post Results Admin Fees






Request Deadline


Reply Expected By


Admin Fee per Exam Paper

Exam Script (without clerical re-check or review)

Monday 16th September

Within 10 working days of application

£3.00 AQA

£3.00 Edexcel Pearson

£3.00 OCR

£3.00 WJEC

Exam Script (reviewed or re-checked copy)

Monday 16th September

Within 10 working days of application

£12.00 AQA

£14.00 Edexcel Pearson

£14.00 OCR

£11.00 WJEC


Clerical re-check


Monday 16th September

Within 20 days of the request being made.

£9.00 AQA

£12.50 Edexcel Pearson

£11.00 OCR

£11.00 WJEC


Review of marking


Monday 16th September

Within 20 days of the request being made.

£42.00 AQA

£45.00 Edexcel Pearson

£61.50 OCR

£40.00 WJEC


Exam Guides and Key Documents

GCSE Summer 2024 Timetable

Exam Support Handbook 2024

Awarding BodiesY11 Exam Information Presentation 2024

GCSE Results - Examination Certificates

The school is still holding examination certificates for a number of years and would like to pass them on where possible.

Former pupils are welcome to collect certificates by making an appointment with the Exams Officer – Amanda McNally

JCQ regulations state that certificates should be kept for 12 months, after which, if they remain uncollected, they may be disposed of securely. We hope you will make every effort to collect your certificates as they are important documents which provide confirmation of your achievements. Most educational institutions and employers will ask to see your original certificates before offering you a place or job.  If you lose or fail to collect your certificates you will need to obtain duplicates from the relevant Awarding Body. 

For any queries or questions in respect of exams, please contact:

Exams Officer Mrs Amanda McNally
Deputy Head  Ms Louise Poole



Page Downloads Date  
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