
Curriculum Intent

 1. Curriculum Design

-     The ‘formal’ curriculum for History at Chailey School is designed to be engaging, challenging, wide-ranging, preparing our students for success in the modern world.

-     Key Stage 3 lasts three years. Key Stage 4 lasts two years

-     Disadvantaged students are placed considerately on seating plans, prioritised for feedback, focussed upon in faculty meetings and for any interventions, particularly at Key Stage 4. Disadvantaged students are prioritised for extra-curricular activities and opportunities including educational visits.

-     We meet the needs of SEND students through considerate personalisation of learning.

 2. Coherence and continuity

-     The intent of the curriculum in History aligns with the overall curriculum intent of Chailey School

-     By the end of Key Stage 3, students are expected to understand Britain’s place in the world and how we got here and be able to form and justify historical opinions, evaluate historical evidence and explain causation and consequence.

-     By the end of Key Stage 4, students who take the subject at GCSE level are expected to gain an appreciation of the broad sweep of History as well as a deep understanding of period and be able to analyse causation, consequence, change and continuity and significance. Students should be able to evaluate historical sources and interpretations.

-     To achieve this, the curriculum in History is planned in coherent sequences of lessons – knowledge, skills and understanding will be built on and applied in a cumulative manner

-     Assessment, testing of knowledge, skills and understanding, and effective feedback on this in will support this - further details of this can be found in the school’s and subject’s Feedback Policy.

 3. The ‘Informal’ curriculum

-     History contributes to the school’s ‘informal’ curriculum – the experience and opportunity for students in History is not just about set of exam results, very important though those may be

-     Key opportunities for this in History are the Year 9 trip to Parliament and Holocaust Survivor speaker, Year 7 visit to Weald and Downland Open Air Museum, Year 10 visit to the Battlefields, Celebration of International Women’s Day, British Council Connecting Classrooms Project, commemoration of Remembrance Day, The Peacefields Project, participating in Historical Association competitions.

-     History also contributes to the development of cultural literacy for example helping students develop an understanding of themselves as global and British citizens through our studies about empire, conquest and migration as well as inspiring figures of the past for example Edward Jenner

 4. Building character and values in the curriculum

-     All subjects at Chailey School contribute towards building the character and values of its young people

-     This is achieved through assemblies on themes such as democracy, Remembrance, the Holocaust and anniversaries of historical events: lessons are planned and taught to foster historical creativity and curiosity, support and tolerance of others and diversity through the teaching of democracy and units of work such as Black Peoples of the Americas, self-confidence, self-respect and a resilience, global awareness as well as independence and responsibility in work.


Page Downloads Date  
History KS3 Outline 04th Apr 2023 Download
History KS4 Outline 04th Apr 2023 Download
History Year 7 subject intent outline 04th Apr 2023 Download
History Year 8 subject intent outline 04th Apr 2023 Download
History Year 9 subject intent outline 04th Apr 2023 Download