U13's Cricket

2nd May 2024

This week saw our U13's compete against priory. Our batting was steady and our fielding solid. We had some excellent bowling from Freddie, taking the first wicket and some excellent keeping from Henry too. Unfortunately the win wasn't ours but we are confident as the boys settle into the season that victory's will come our way.

1326d49c 7e20 425f 8f72 7084ad9a2893

4a14ec08 d861 4e13 911f f86e9da77aae

069a5afa 861d 4724 829d cb5139612431

2b6b3cca ca89 431d 8d29 1c52035b0a6a

8e28f6a7 dd7c 443e be52 0280db3bb4e2