Hamsey School Pond Project

30th Oct 2023

The students account of their time a Hamsey:

Today we (Viola, Sophie and Hannah) went to Hamsey Primary School to help restore their pond and clear up the area.  First, we spent a mere hour and a half removing a dead tree of the path and cutting up the branches with secateurs and hand saws.  Next, we helped the children dig trenches to start making beetle houses in.  We placed the previously cut branches in them to make a nice rotting wood environment for them to lay eggs in and covered it with dirt.  After that, we started clearing out the pond filled with brambles and dead trees, the kids even came up with a myth about the bones of a dead dinner lady being in the pond.  It took much time, effort and a stuck saw, but eventually we cleared out 3 of the dead trees and lots of extra brambles with the help of some year six's.  Overall, it was a very enjoyable experience, and although we came out wet, muddy and smelling of pond, we all had a great time and hope to be included in future wildlife restorations.